Since people worship in a variety of ways, we offer two spirit-filled services on Sunday mornings at 9am and 11am, that are sure to leave you feeling blessed. We would love to have you join us anytime!
Connect Praise & Worship
9am in the Fellowship Hall
We join together in a worship of praise and celebration with a unique emphasis on contemporary Christian Praise music, powerful prayer, and the Word. This worship service is highlighted by our anointed Praise Team, led by Pete McReynolds, while Pastor John and Pastor Wes bring the relevant and living Word of God. Please join us in this joy-filled and relaxed environment and prepare to be blessed by God’s Holy Spirit!
“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”
- Romans 8:28
Traditional Worship
11am in the Sanctuary
Monroe First Methodist Church offers this traditional worship service complete with crucifers, acolytes, liturgical readings and congregational prayer. This service is blessed by the extraordinary Monroe First Chancel Choir. The Chancel Choir is accompanied by our accomplished organist, Janet Clark, as well as other talented musicians. Our music ministry is coordinated and led by Music Minister, Rev. Josef Buffaloe. From your favorite hymns to the powerful classics of the Christian Church, from handbell choirs to gifted soloists and quartets, and our various Children’s Choirs, you are sure to be musically blessed and spiritually uplifted by our Music Ministry. Pastor John Purrington and Pastor Wes Sorrells bring inspirational, scriptural based and focused messages from the Word of God each Sunday. Come and receive a life-giving touch from God’s Holy Spirit to carry you out into the world to begin your week renewed and refreshed!