Exciting Times at Monroe First!
God has given us so many opportunities to serve Him by serving His people. Our Adult Ministries are integral to this church, and we are excited to offer Sunday School classes, Service Groups, and Bible Studies for all walks of life. Check out the various ministry areas below to find your best fit!
We offer several Studies every Wednesday evening and occasionally on Sunday afternoon. Each class will vary in topic and in the length and the teachers will vary as well.
Wednesday Groups
Note: Some studies break during holidays. Please check with the Church Office about which studies are currently active.
PRIME Bible Study
10am, Chapel
6:15pm, Fellowship Hall
led by Pastor John & Pastor Steve
men & women study
January 15 - March 19
6:15pm, Room 125
led by Beverly Jackson
men & women study
Jesus’ Brother Speaks: Discover Jude’s Important Message for Us
She is My Sister: What Women in Third World Countries Want Us to Know
January 8 - 29
6:15pm, Chapel
led by Doris Aldrich & Carla Sadek
women study
Men’s Group
6:15pm, Room 124
led by men in the group
men study
February 5 - 26
6:15pm, Chapel
led by Pastor Christy Greenwald
men & women study
Adult Sunday School Classes
At Monroe First, you’ll be sure to find a Sunday School class that is the right fit for you! Our classes are continually growing, and new classes are forming as well! See a complete list of classes shown below. To find out more about meeting locations and current studies, please contact the Church Office at 770.267.6525. All classes begin at 10 AM unless otherwise specified.
C.I.A. - Christ in Action
Conference Room / led by John Ott & Tim Hester
CIA stands for Christ in Action. This is an interactive class that is studying the Bible through discussion, hearing different viewpoints as to what the verses mean to each of us and how those meanings can be incorporated into our everyday life. As a result, members will learn more about each other and through this fellowship support each other.
New Beginnings
Room 125 / led by Mel Still
New Beginnings is composed of singles and couples, with a wide range of ages. Bible study is guided by various published books and programs, and the teacher serves as a facilitator for guiding class members as scriptures are read and discussed. The goal of the class is to lead people to a biblically based relationship with Christ and then to facilitate development of that relationship. “Come grow with us.”
Seekers (meet & greet, 9:30 AM, class starts 9:45 AM)
Room 124 / led by Rotational Teaching Schedule
The Seekers Class invites you to participate in an exciting fellowship of sincere and fun-loving Christians who enjoy studying the Word of God. Rotation lay teachers provide Scripture lessons and guide class members involvement with group discussions to widen our understanding of the Scriptures and deepen our relationship with God. The Seekers welcome all newcomers and visitors to join the class for a serious study of the International Lesson Series, and for a very informal, joyful atmosphere. Our ministries outside of the classroom include helping to meet the needs of the church and the local community with outreach missions and building our own team relationships with socials and dinners. Our class has more than 50 people and consists of middle aged to seniors.
Room 124 / led by Dawn & Eddie Young
The goal of Trinity is to deepen faith and grow spiritually. The class began in 1999 and continues to seek spiritual growth in many different ways, including Bible study, Bible based lessons, service to others, and the joy of fellowship. Class members range in age from mid-30's to mid-50's, married, single, with children and without. Trinity enjoys weekly connection with other believers, offering prayer support for the church and each other, and serving the Lord by helping with the ministry needs of the church and community. With such a diverse group of 30 or more members, lively and exciting discussion is sure to be present each week. You will always find a warm smile, a welcoming spirit to greet you, and there is always a place for you in Trinity!
Holy Grounds Fellowship
Room 203 / led by Rotational Teaching Schedule
Holy Grounds Fellowship meets upstairs in Room 203 every Sunday morning at 9:45 am. This new and exciting Sunday School class is for young singles and young families. This group is all about providing Christian support to one another and to help our young families find strength and guidance in God’s Word. Enjoy fellowship while we study God’s word.
Open Doors
Room 201 / led by Rotational Teaching Schedule
This class’s focus is a biblically based conversation with very open participation from class members. All ages are welcome. Membership ranges from mid-40’s upward with people from all walks of life with the Lord. Classroom located on the 2nd floor of the Education Building.
Soaring (beginning September 8)
AA House / led by Stan & Doris Aldrich
The theme of this group is “seeing yourself through God’s eyes.” We take a deep dive into the Bible every Sunday morning. Adults of all ages are invited to join this adventure in scripture!
Talk to a Leader
Rev. John Purrington
Senior Pastor
Christy Greenwald
Pastor of Congregational Care
& Discipleship